Thank God for a good day in Seattle, Wa August 14-15, 2019 Little Si hike, Microsoft visitor center and Rib Pho...

Microsoft visitor sign

Aloha folks, day 2 & 3 is here.

August 14, 2019

Little Si Washington


 Went with my bud Kev early morning for this hike. Traffic was already pretty bad early 6AM. Did this little hike. It was nice.


Rib Pho Washington


Felt like the noodles were lacking in quantity but it was good food nonetheless. Rib pho for the win!

Bobaup and Microsoft

Bobaup Washington




Now I am wired
Ladies and Gentleman: The X-Balm!
Play and sleep at the same time


Self serve Boba, what more can you ask for? We got to check out the infamous Microsoft visitor center in Redmond, Wa. Rabbits are lurking all over and you get to shop and stick around the visitor's center for some fun. Some history from the ground up on Microsoft as well.

Dinner at Capitol hill and Amazon Spheres. 



Wow, we did a lot in one day. The Spheres of Amazon. So awesome!

August 15, 2019











 Sonic Burger







 ScuttleButt Everett

Yup, my day 3 in a nutshell. I started the day late because I was out the whole day the previous day. Met my friend's dog: Robyn. Lovely dog. I'm glad because everybody should have a dog honestly. 

Other words, the food was great and the Beef Jerky was expensive though. Seattle was hot in August so that explains the constant drinking (not that kind).

Final days in Seattle coming soon. 
