America the beautiful Pass - Annual National Park pass. Is it worth it?

 I bought my pass back in April 2022. The pass is $80 and is good for one year. If you visit each National Park, it is $35 average individually. So is it worth it? Let's find out!

April 2022 - Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Grand Canyon.

May 2022 - Yellowstone National Park

Grand Prismatic Spring

July 2022 - Pu'uhonua O Honaunau Historical National Park

August 2022 - Grand Teton

Oxbow Bend

September 2022 - Glacier National Park

Bearhat Mountain @ Logan Pass

November 2022 - White Sands National Park

December 2022 - Guadalupe Mountains National Park and Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Devil's Hall

So that is 9 national parks visited in that last 9 months. I have 3 more months to go and I can pretty much not do anymore simply because the $80 pass all ready covered my trips 3 fold. Anyhow, looking forward into visiting a few more parks hopefully. Laters and take care.
