A day in Santa Fe and an Albuquerque quickie. 12/3-4. Meow Wolf Santa Fe quick visit 2022


Santa Fe 12/3 Santa Fe Plaza

Pics also include the famous Loretto Chapel which is a $5 entry to see the miracle stairs. Lots of Adobe houses as I have mentioned in previous posts. Come early though many stores are not opened but you get to have most of the area by yourself. About 11ish this place starts getting packed. Reminds me of Jackson Hole. Nice place. 

Railroad district 

Farmer's market was going on that day. Thank Jesus for I was able to buy some stuff here. Was worth the look see. 

Meow Wolf 

If you are solving the riddle, this place will take hours. If you speed through every thing then 1.5-2 hrs will suffice. It's a really cool place. I think it's cheaper on weekdays but for $40 admission, take your time and enjoy. It's really interactive and neat. 

12/4 Albuquerque Old town Plaza and return home

Stopped by here before I headed home. A little smaller than Santa Fe's but it was nice for I had this place almost to myself. Had another fellow photographer doing his shots early. Thank you folks and thank you Harely once again. God be with you. 
