Page, Arizona (Antelope Canyon and Grand Canyon), Las Vegas, and Yellowstone National Park! April 25-May 3, 2022


Aloha! It's been two years since I've traveled to the mainland. For this segment, I'm mainly gonna post pics. No narrating though I will put some of my two cents every now and then. Enjoy the pics. 

Page, Arizona

Glen Canyon

Ligai Si' Anii Antelope Canyon Valley tours

Horseshoe Bend

Monument Valley Overlook and Forest Gump Point Utah

4 Corners Monument

Elephants Feet and Grand Canyon National Park

Las Vegas, Nevada

Palace Station, The Strip, Bellagio Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, and Downtown. 

Wyoming- Yellowstone National Park 

*Lots to do here and see in the Middle, Upper, and lower Geyser area. I hope to be back someday to visit some of the closed off areas plus some of the waterfalls.* Old Faithful was amazing!

Gibbon Falls, Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, Mammoth Falls, Lamar Valley, Roaring Mountain and Norris Porecelin Basin

West Yellowstone

Bozeman Bears


Thank you folks. Hope you enjoyed the pics. I definitely recommend Yellowstone National Park. Toodles. 
